Monday, June 15, 2009

In transit...

After a two-week vacation in the States, I am now on my way back to finish the mission. Oh, the JFK-Dubai Emirates flight is such a killer! I watched six movies and couldn’t sleep due to various types of odor, kids screaming and prayer sounds around me. Now that I have done some shopping here in Dubai airport, I just can’t wait to get back to my apartment in Khartoum so I can have some rest!

1 comment:

  1. love the pics of your night out -- great place -- so NY! Estamos aqui, ainda com muita chuva -- como dizia minha vo - vamos virar SAPOS se essa chuva continua! E como chove, fiz pao -- pao de azeitona -- uma maravilha!!! Bj grande, Christina -
