Monday, January 19, 2009

In Sudan!

I hear the Adhan at 6:00 am and I get scared! That’s how I start day two in Khartoum. I had heard this sound already when I left the airport yesterday, but hadn’t paid much attention to it because of all the other traffic noises around me. Adhan is a pray calling sound from the mosques, summoning all Muslims to their mandatory prayers. It happens a few times a day. I think the sound is similar to the one a herdsman makes in order to drive cattle. Very loud!

Day one was quite organized. Brazilians picked me up at the airport and took me around the “city” – To me, Khartoum looks more like a big village than a city –. The traffic is pretty scary though. Nobody seems to obey the traffic signs or lights and they all drive terribly! We went to have dinner at an “internationals point” here called “solitaire”. It’s a placed owned by an Egyptian man where Brazilians get a 25% discount “just because”. I had chicken kebab – nothing great, but familiar. I also met a very nice Indian girl who works for WHO. The only Sudanese person I interacted with so far was the nice man who helped me with my luggage at the airport. Our conversation of about 1 min was limited to very few words: Germany, Brazil, Football, Football match, Football players and Sucran.

Anyway, so far so good. My hotel room is simple and bit gross as expected, but I can deal with it for now until I find a more permanent place to live. I will clean it up, of course! I am happy that at least I get a “very low” and sometimes a “low” internet signal in my room! If it wasn’t for it, this post wouldn’t be up today!

So, that’s it for now. I just wanted to let you all know that I arrived safely. I will try to keep this blog updated. I may post only in Portuguese sometimes, so get your translators ready! I promise to try to take pictures.


  1. Worlds apart from your first day in Timor - literally! I'm glad you're safe and meeting friends already, and also that you at least have something you know you can eat. :)

  2. Oi Aline!!! Que bom que voce chegou bem. Tudo de bom pra voce e vai mandando noticias pra gente hein?!
    Se cuida!

  3. Hey, feliz em saber que ja esta colocando o blog em pratica.

  4. Glad to hear that all is well! Can't wait to see your pics! Be safe!

  5. Alininha!!!!!
    WONDERFULLLL!! Great you are fine and I'm pretty confident that you will shine over there!!!!
    Que bom que tudo deu certo ate agora!!! Qquer coisa grita que a gente aqui move o mundo pra tentar te ajudar!!! Bjosssssss grandes e boa sorte!!

  6. Great to hear that you are well and slowly settling in. Will keep on reading your blogs. Be safe!
