Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Incident at the UN!

Incident at the UN!

Yesterday was a weird day for me. I arrived in the office at 8:00 and found out that my work computer had been stolen over night. A mystery! No one heard or saw anything and I basically had to spend my day being interrogated by the Investigations Division! A very unfortunate situation that resulted in a very unproductive day!

Not much else to report. The whether in Khartoum remains hot, dry and dusty. The traffic is still chaotic (did I mention that the lights here turn yellow before they turn green?), but the food is good, the friends I made have been great and I am still enjoying this mission very much! It’s already been a month since I left New York City! Time flew!

One last thing; besides Al Jazeera, Al Arabiya, Al Bagdadia, AlThuraya, Al Rafiden, Al Majd, Al Hakeka, AlFajr, AlKass etc. I am excited to also get CNN (in English) on my TV at home! Guess which channel I fell asleep to last night? :)

1 comment:

  1. ok - we got scared for a moment there! so -- what does 'AL' stands for???

    Beijo grande e CUIDE-SE!!!
